Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Ajith Perera accused the National People’s Power (NPP) government of falsely claiming credit for the recent reduction in electricity tariffs.
Speaking to reporters, Perera said the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) independently decided to lower tariffs, not the government. He added that Energy Minister had told Parliament such a reduction was not possible.
“Not a single JVP leader spoke in front of the PUCSL urging a reduction in electricity bills,” Perera said. (NewsWire)
SJB MP Ajith Perera takes on the NPP Government, claiming they cannot take credit for the recent electricity bill reduction. He highlights that the independent commission, PUCSL, made the decision, not the Government. Watch his statement here
— NewsWire (@NewsWireLK) January 18, 2025
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